We are a band from Košice, Slovakia composed of people who love music. Though we do not play traditional Irish music, our style is strongly influenced by it. It is dynamic with frequent rhythm changes and colorful melodies, often rough but pleasant at the same time. A shamrock comprised of four soloists – two violins, a piano, and the electric or acoustic guitar – held together by the stem – the cajón rhythms. That is Shamrock Redheads.
Sme kapela z Košíc zložená z ľudí milujúcich hudbu. Hráme prevažne vlastnú tvorbu, ovplyvnenú írskymi motívmi, no nedá sa povedať, že táto hudba je írska. Je dynamická, s neustále sa meniacimi rytmami a melódiami, častokrát drsná, ale melodická. Štvorlístok sólistov – dvoje huslí, klavír, elektrická, či akustická gitara drží pokope (ako stonka) rytmický cajon. To je Shamrock Redheads.